Project Walk-a-Mile

Project Walk-a-Mile:  My attempt to walk a mile in the shoes of the poor and needy while living in the lap of luxury.   

My feet safely tucked inside borrowed boots while visiting a city dump.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  June 2009

(His feet weren't so lucky.)
I've been thinking...
I used to sponsor a child in Haiti.  The sponsorship money provided schooling for the child as well as a hot meal at school each day, I believe.  I'm glad I was able to help in that way, but I've been thinking...

I've been thinking...
I've often helped to put together "health kits" or some similar kind of care package for the needy.  You know the kind.  It includes a bar of soap, a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste, a comb, a towel, baby powder (in Asia!), perhaps a notebook, pencils, a ruler, and so on.  I'm glad I was able to help with those as well, and I pray those packages were a blessing.  But I've been thinking...

What if I was the one who was given "one good meal a day"?  What if I was the one who was given the random bar of soap, toothbrush and toothpaste?  I hope I would be grateful.  "One good meal a day" would be better than none, that's for sure. 

But I've been thinking...Could I place myself in those shoes, and what would it feel like? 

Well, I'm going to try it.  And I'll tell you about it as I walk along a pathway I know so very little about. 
Here are my rules. 
For 7 days, beginning Monday, April 11 through Sunday, April 17 I will:
1.) Eat only one meal each day- a serving of rice and beans.  I will drink only water.  The only exception to this rule is if someone who doesn't know I'm doing this project offers me something to eat.  That's why I'm going to tell as many people as possible who I see on a daily basis about this project.  Now that you know I'm doing it, you can't offer me anything to eat!  =) 
2.) My toiletries will consist of the most basic essentials:  a bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a comb, and a towel.  I'm pretty sure I can keep myself clean and fresh with these.  No shampoo?  We'll see how my hair likes plain water and bar soap!  I think it will survive.  No washcloth or shower poof-thingy?  Did you know that millions, billions of people keep themselves clean without something like that?  I can, too.  This will also include me wearing my glasses instead of my contact lenses.
3.) I will wear two alternating sets of clothing and one pair of shoes.
4.) One night I will sleep outside in a tent, if we have one.  If I can't find a tent maybe I can rig something up with a tarp. 
5.) I won't go shopping--no impulse "gotta have it" buying of fabric at my job, no coffee, no thrift store shopping or even $.85 bargains at Goodwill. =) 

The main purpose of this project is mostly just so I can get a more personal feel for how so many people live every day of their lives.  I will, however, also add up the money I'm saving by living a simplified life, and give it to Vanya
I expect at least two things to happen to me as I "walk this mile".
#1:  I will be amazed at how many luxuries I still have even while following my self-imposed rules.
#2:  I expect my self to rebel, scream at me, and generally throw a hissy fit over the luxuries I'm denying it.
I'll share candidly with you about my experiences in both these areas.

If you want to join me for a day (or as long as you like) I'd love to hear from you.  Leave a comment and share with me and anyone else who happens to read this about your experience. 
To God be the glory.

P.S.  In the interest of being candid, let me start by saying my self already dreads the week.  I know it's going to be hard.  And if no one else in my family wants to sleep outside with me, I'm pretty sure my self is going to not love being out there alone.


Unknown said…
way to go marcia. maybe i'll join you in some way shape or form. maybe sleep with you?
tilda said…
that virgil comment was supposed to be me, tilda
Anonymous said…
first of all, I am so glad Tilda clarified some things there. :) and secondly, what an excellent idea! I can't wait to read more about your week and think of how to incorporate this idea into our own lives somehow. i'm so glad to discover your blog - again. i will be a faithful follower. :) love, Melanie
BRENDA said…
yes, marci, hair can be washed with bar saop; lux, to be exact. that's the way we did it when i was a kid. we also washed dished with it. it was probably when rene started working and used her wages to buy groceries that we had shampoo and dish detergent. i don't remember if we started having kleenex, aluminum foil and plastic wrap then or not. somehow i can't remember ever having those things at home. i also know about eating a lot of bean soup and potatoes and tomato gravy.

i sometimes feel sorta like i already walked the shoes of the poor, growing up, and don't need to do it again. yet i know there are so many who have so much less than we had. and i often feel guilty and wonder where, exactly, the line is between giving and trusting, and providing for myself/the future. i can't say that i've figured it out, and i think it's not the same for everybody.

i commend you in your project. i think it would be worthwhile for more of us to do it. i'll give it some thought and prayer. i'll keep you in my prayers this week.

love, aunt brenda
Unknown said…
Love to read your stuff, Marcia, especially because it helps me with perspective. Thank you. And blessings on your week. Renita