Our Vision for the Banquet

It all started with a Facebook status.

It was a status about hurting children. It sparked lots of conversation. As Marcia Nissley read the thread, she was inspired to bring more awareness to what each person can do to help the orphans of this world, even if they cannot adopt. The idea of a banquet was birthed  (pun intended) -- an evening set aside for us all to learn more about what we can personally do to help orphans.

It will be an evening for us to all reflect on the needs of hurting children around us and ask God what we are supposed to do for them. We are not all called to take a child into our home, but we are all called to play a part in bringing love and safety to their broken lives -- in some way, whether by prayer, giving, going, encouraging, or adopting/foster care. James 1:27, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress."

She got a group of friends who are also passionate about orphans together: Delmar and Lauren Stoltzfoos, Jared and Carmen Stoltzfus, and Merlin and Marie Stoltzfus.  After much brainstorming the Orphan Awareness Banquet took form.

We are excited to see you there. There will be a meal, a program with testimonies and insights from Bill and Sara Lynn Lapp, a family with a heart for adoption and a testimony from Jay Leibee, a young man adopted from Columbia. Delmar Stoltzfoos will also be sharing thoughts and information about orphans. You won't regret taking an evening out of your busy lives to think about "the least of these."

Friday, March 25, 2011
Shady Maple. East Earl, PA.
See post below for more details or email openmouth318@gmail.com


Amber said…
How I would LOVE to be there! Know that my heart will be with you, even though many miles separate us. I believe that the Lord is using you, along with many others, to speak His truth to people...Keep your focus on HIM alone!

Your blog is so inspiring, and I anticipate each new blog post. :D
Much love and prayers...♥